Contractwars Wiki
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So I've read all the tip pages on the wiki and have decided to contribute my own tips. Similarly to many people here I am not the most pro player you'll meet in game, however I play fairly well with some habits I've picked up over the time I've played. So, let's completely disagree with every page on this wiki shall we?

Team Deathmatch[]

A) Pick a weapon that suits your play-style, but if you're a bolt action sniper this may not be the game mode for you. With changing spawns this means it is very easy to get overwhelmed if you have only a low fire rate weapon when people come from multiple directions. Assault Rifles would be my go to weapon for this as they have good range and their damage isn't low at distance.

B) Camping is a controversial topic. There are several things you have to look at before you make your choice. The weapon that you're using really doesn't determine anything besides where you're going to camp. If you have an AR or SMG you can afford to camp closer to an enemy position. The other side of this coin is if you have a sniper rifle, anywhere on te maps a direct hit with a sniper bullet will stop an elephant. The main thing you need to look at is how may people on your team are moving. Play as an assault operator if most of your team is playing with snipers, and if everyone is moving then mosey over and take a seat with your awm-f and blow some heads off.

C) Many people say you should stay with your team in team elimination, and if I were to agree with them I'd be wrong. The key to this game mode is to flank off by yourself. I know this is hypocritical of what I mentioned in tip B but it's true, camping may get you a better kill streak but it takes a long time. Take off by yourself and get some doubles and trips.

More at a later time, this wiki is what I do instead of paying attention in class so I can't finish all at once.
